Fetakgomo Tubatse Turnaround Strategy Yields Unqualified Audit

Fetakgomo Tubatse Mayor Eddie Maila has been credited for the municipality’s unqualified audit.

The Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality in Limpopo has received an unqualified audit, joining the elite ranks of a handful of better-run and financially well-managed councils in the country. 

In a statement, the municipality attributed its success to the hard work and dedication of a committed team of officials led by Mayor Eddie Maila.

The importance of receiving an Unqualified Audit report from the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) cannot be overstated in today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape.

Clean audits are an essential indicator of an organization’s financial health, transparency, and accountability. They offer a dependable and precise evaluation of an organization’s financial statements and internal controls to stakeholders, which include government officials, investors, and the general public.

“We are grateful today to announce that Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality received an Unqualified Audit report from AGSA for the 2022/2023 financial year than ended on the 30th of June 2023. The report was formally tabled today on 04 December 2023. This outcome confirms that the Municipality has adhered to various financial and non-financial legislations that govern local government, and it is an affirmation that governance, sound financial management and service delivery are the cornerstones of the Municipal Council.

“The Mayor, Councillor Eddie Maila, would like to thank the Council, Executive Committee, and various portfolio committees for playing oversight throughout the financial year. Special thanks to the Municipal Manager Mogaramedi Makgata and his team of Directors and officials for implementing the audit turnaround strategy in a coherent manner and for ensuring that the decisions of Council are being implemented and monitored,” said municipality spokesperson Thabiso Mokoena.

Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality has joined the elite ranks of a handful of better-run and financially well-managed councils in the country. 

He acknowledged the efforts of the Audit Committee and the various sector departments, saying they provided valuable support to the municipality throughout the year.

“We also like to extend our gratitude to our ratepayers and the community of Fetakgomo Tubatse for supporting the programmes of the Municipality. Clean administration, prudent and sound financial management are the cornerstone and the building blocks of building a sustainable Platinum City,” he said.

The Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality, located in the northernmost parts of Limpopo, is renowned for its varied landscapes and abundant cultural heritage.

The council recently established itself as a provider of high-quality services, focusing on maximizing the potential of the “platinum city.”

This municipality has a total land area of approximately 4,602 km2 and is home to a significant population. As a result, it often finds itself under pressure from the public and other stakeholders to accelerate job creation efforts.

The national government recently partnered with a project to provide employment opportunities for over 500 unemployed graduates residing in the municipality. 

Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipal Manager Mogaramedi Makgata. The Limpopo municipality has received an unqualified audit, joining the elite ranks of a handful of better-run and financially well-managed councils in the country. 

Mokoena said the development is part of the municipality’s efforts to fight climate change. He added that it aims to ensure a better and more sustainable environment for future generations. 

Mokoena stated that the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment has generously allocated a substantial collaboration fund of R36 million to facilitate this significant positive change.

Thanks to this financial injection, these graduates will now have the opportunity to secure employment they can proudly call their own.

Mokoena disclosed that the funds have been allocated to support a range of initiatives solely dedicated to addressing climate change and preserving the environment.

He mentioned that as a result of this specific partnership, the local government will have the opportunity to improve public awareness about the consequences of climate change and the harmful effects of environmental pollution.



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