Buffaloes run berserk in Botswana

TWO people have died and others injured after attacks by stray buffaloes in northeastern Botswana.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism confirmed the deaths in the town of Kasane, located near Botswana’s borders with Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Among the deceased is a 13-year-old student at the Chibe Junior Secondary School. Department of Wildlife and National Parks security have killed the buffalo at the Noka ya Botshelo English Medium Primary School.

They were alerted to another lone buffalo near the Seboba Nature and Recreational Park.

There it killed a man and another had to be hospitalized with injuries. The buffalo has been killed.

A 37-year-old male has also been admitted at the Kasane Primary Hospital after a buffalo attacked him along the Chobe River.

Search teams were as of Thursday utilizing helicopters to ascertain if there were more buffaloes on the loose.

Ground-based patrol teams have also been deployed to the area. Areas around Kasane Airport and the Chibe Farms are prioritized.

While imminent danger has been repelled, authorities have urged citizens to steer clear of bushy areas and report stray animals to “The Ministry of Environment and Tourism wishes to convey its deepest
condolences to the families of the two people that lost their lives to buffalo attacks and wishes speedy recoveries to those who sustained attacks,” it stated.

– CAJ News



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