Gauteng Welcomes Zambia Airways To South Africa

GAUTENG, South Africa’s economic hub, has welcomed the commencement of flights into the country by Zambia Airways.

The first flight touched down at the O.R Tambo International in Johannesburg on Thursday amid fanfare, as the aircraft was welcomed with the traditional water cannon salute.

It will service the Lusaka-Johannesburg route with flights running twice
daily. Gauteng Air Access, in collaboration with the Gauteng Tourism Authority
(GTA), has been working closely with Zambia Airways to make this route a

“Now, we’re ready to showcase our vibrant destination to the world,” GTA

GTA is dedicated to marketing Gauteng as the ultimate tourism hotspot,
catering to international and domestic visitors.

“And with a robust air access network, we’re set to boost our visitor,
trade and investment economies like never before.”

The service by Zambia Airways – Africa’s New Wings- is poised to boost
tourism and trade between the two Southern African countries.

South Africa and Zambia pledged to strengthen economic ties in 2020.

South African Airways (SAA) flies three times a day to Kenneth Kaunda International in Lusaka.

– CAJ News



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