Millions of kids out of school in Ethiopia

MORE than 3,5 million children are out of school in Ethiopia, in what is one of the world’s worst education

Over 2,3 million of these minors remain out of class in the north despite last November’s peace agreement ending two years of conflict in the Tigray region.

Reconstruction of damaged buildings is yet to commence.

Recent data revealed massive damage to schools across conflict-affected areas of Afar, Amhara and Tigray in northern Ethiopia.

The Ethiopia Education Cluster, which comprises the Ministry of Education, Save the Children and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), disclosed the crisis.

The situation is particularly worst in Tigray, where 85 percent of schools have serious or partial damage. All public schools remain closed.

As a result of the COVID pandemic followed by two years of conflict, over 2,3 million children in the region have been out of school for around three years and 22 500 teachers have gone without pay for more than two years, according to the Ethiopia Education Cluster.

Children who are out of school for prolonged periods are feared to be at risk of exploitation, sexual violence, early marriage and child labour and lose their right to an education.

“The current humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia is one of the worst in recent memory,” said Xavier Joubert, Save the Children’s Country Director for Ethiopia.

“Conflict, hunger and the impact of the climate crisis have forced millions from their homes, resulting in countless children being forced to drop out of school.”

A UN appeal for Ethiopia is only 18,4 percent funded, meaning an additional US$3,26 billion is desperately needed.

– CAJ News



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